Friday, August 24, 2007

Humanism has captured the American....

I recently read a very relevant statement written by R.J. Rushdoony in the 1970s.

"Humanism has captured the American scene, and the real religion of the United States is no longer Christianity but humanism. The courts have replaced Christianity in education with the new estabblished religion, humanism. Humanism has also captured the churches and is preached from the pulpit by men who are sometimes unaware of their capture. Love, man's humanistic love, is the new savior, replacing Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity."

-R.J. Rushdoony, Roots of Reconstruction, p. 572

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sorry for the Time Lapse

I am very sorry that I have not posted in several weeks. We are in the process of buying a home. It has been quite crazy around our home over the past six weeks. Although I have continued to have numerous encounters with very interesting folks to say the least over this time I have not had the opportunity to share these experiences due this home buying experience. Although I was not able to go into Bricktown last Friday night, I have had continued contact with a gentleman that I spoke to a week ago Friday.

On Friday August 10, during our trip to Bricktown we spoke to numerous people as we wandered around engaging folks in one to one witnessing. After attempting to speak to several groups of people with no one showing an interest in speaking to us we were approached by two men wanting to tell us about an "excellent money making opportunity", selling for Primerica Financial Services. Their names were Tyrone and Kenny. After listening to them tell us about the company, I began to explain to them that we were in Bricktown asking people questions as to what happens when you die. When they both answered that they guessed that they would go to heaven. I asked both if they thought that they were good people. They both agreed that they were. I then began to work through the Law of God to show both that they were not good. It was at this time that Tyrone began to show that he did not care about what I was saying. Kenny on the other hand stood with mouth wide open in total silence. I continued speaking to only Kenny as I warned him that we would all stand before God and be judged. It was then that we would either be "sentenced" to Heaven or Hell. As I continued to speak of judgement and then began to speak of the Cross you could see that God was working in his life. After continuing to plead with him to consider seriously the things of God they went their way to continue selling. We then spoke to several other small groups and continued to hand out tracts.

Early last week I received a telephone call (after our conversation I provided him with my telephone number) from Kenny. He said he was continuing to think and ponder the things we spoke about. He said that he could not stop thinking about the Law of God and his sin against God. This is a prime example of what the Law does. Paul said, "I had not known sin, but by the Law." Pray that the Law is Kenny’s schoolmaster to bring him to Christ.
Once again sorry for it taking so long for me to post again. I will try to do better.
Resting in Him,